Mindfulness Challenge

Your challenge is to investigate the topic of mindfulness .

Focus on what action you can take at this moment to make progress towards a goal

Take a short walk at lunch. Try to take in your surroundings with all your senses.

The next time you wait in line, use this free time as an opportunity to take notice of the world

Savor a song in a new way. Listen to lyrics that you’ve never carefully focused on before.

Instead of wishing for what you cannot have, think about what you do have.

Go somewhere quite, slow your breathing, and try to sense the beating of your own heart.

Stop for a moment to listen for the background sounds your mind automatically filters out; the hum of an A/C, typing, footsteps, the wind.

Evaluate an experience independent of memories or preconceived notions

Stop and focus on your breathing for fifteen seconds.

Focus on one specific instrument in a song you like. Hear something that’s always been there, but you’ve never heard before.

Close your eyes immediately. Break you current thought process and remember what your primary goals were for the day.

Take a mental picture. Close your eyes and try remembering as many details as you can.

Feel the warmth/cold of the day on your skin

Be a passive observer of your own inner monologue. Watch as the thoughts flow in and out your mind.

Stop and look around you. Try to find something beautiful near you that you’ve never noticed before.

Commit a spontaneous act of kindness. These actions keep you focused on the present.

If you have children, spend some time watching them play this afternoon. Notice how whatever they are doing at that instant consumes one hundred percent of their attention.

As you walk through a familiar place, take notice of the details and see if you can spot any changes.

Watch the people around you and notice the intricacies of their expressions, and the way they move their hands when they speak.

Let yourself go. Don’t be afraid to act silly or worry about being laughed at. Enjoy yourself in the moment instead of being self-conscious.

Imagine this as the last opportunity you will have to do what you are doing. Savor the present moment.

Actively listen to those talking to you instead of waiting to speak.

Notice the colors and textures of the surfaces surrounding you.

Notice the sensations in your feet as you walk.

Or make up your own thoughtful activity! Please share.

Keep in touch and post your progress right here on http://www.randomfeats.com/. We would love see photos and hear of  your experiences.

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